Air Dryer

We supply a wide variety  type of Refrigerated  / Desiccant  dryer , air filter & element  such as ATS, Puroair and other major air dryer brand. We are provides a wide range for the compressed air treatment , efficient and high performance to meet your application needs.

The Main Features & Benefits :

Protecting your compressed air systems and processes
  • * Treated air helps prevent pipework corrosion, product spoilage and premature failure of pneumatic equipment
Maintaining the quality of your end product
  • * A complete range of products with dew points from +3 to -70 °C to ensure the correct air quality for your application.
Energy-efficient air dryers
  • All our compressed air dryers are designed to perform in the most energy-efficient and environmentally friendly way, and thus contributing to a reduced carbon footprint
  • Simple operating procedure
  • Easy maintenance
  • Low investment cost
  • Easy installation
  • Low power consumption